Call for papers Conference 2017

Call for papers for the 22th conference of

Nordic Network for Research in Music Education

MARCH 14-16, 2017

Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg

Music education and equality

NEW file – Final call-for-papers-nnmpf-2017

And here is the official webpage for the conference


Keynote speakers

March 14 Assistant professor Juliet Hess, Michigan State University

March 15 Professor Lauri Väkevä, University of the Arts, Helsinki

March 16 Professor Elisabet Öhrn, University of Gothenburg

Submission formats

  1. PhD project in progress paper: timeframe 40 minutes with max 20 minutes for presentation and 20 minutes for discussion + 5 minutes intermission between presentations. This format is mainly for discussions of PhD projects at an advanced stage. PhD projects at an early stage are referred to the PhD seminar (see below).   

  2. Senior research paper: timeframe 40 minutes with max 20 minutes for presentation and 20 minutes for discussion + 5 minutes intermission between presentations. This format is mainly for discussions of senior research projects at a not yet completed stage.   

  3. Completed PhD projects paper: timeframe 20 minutes (included questions) + 5 minutes intermission between presentations.

  4. Symposium: Several papers may be submitted together indicating an interest to form a symposium. The symposium participants are themselves responsible for engaging a discussant. Timeframe 90 minutes in total.

Discussants will be appointed for paper presentations of PhD projects in progress as well as for senior research papers. Regarding symposia, see above.


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